Tree plantation Paragraph,Tree Plantation Project,Tree Plantation Day,Tree Plantation Essay.Tree Plantation.

1.Write a Paragraph on "Tree plantation' in about 250 words answering the following questions.

Paragraph Writing " Tree plantation "

(a)What is tree plantation? 
(b) Why is it essential? 
(c) Write down the importance of tree piantation?
(d) Why is it so essential for us?
(e) What places can we plant trees? 
(f) Why tree plantation is necessary for us?


Ans: Tree plantation means planting more and more trees. It is essential for our existence. Yet, we cut down trees to get timber and firewood. We also use trees as our housing material. As a result our world is becoming tree-vacant. Cutting of too many trees leads the world to desert. It is responsible for greenhouse effect. Birds and animals are losing their habitats. There will-be no ecological balanče. We cannot live without the oxygen, a selfless gift of the tree. We get vitamins from the fruits of trees. The tree helps to keep the environment balanced. It prevents air pollution by taking carbon-di-oxide. It saves the world from turning into desert. It brings about rainfall. Thus, it helps agricultural production. It saves soil from erosion. It keeps the soil strong. Thus, it saves the houses trom breaking on the river. Besides, it is a great source of medicine for us. Every person should plant trees. In every vacant space, trees should be planted. More and more trees should be planted on both sides of roads a.nd embankments. Tree plantation campaign should be continued everywhere. Public awareness is essential to make the campaign successful. The more we plant trees, the more we do good for us.


2.Write a paragraph on 'Tree Plantation' in about 250 words by answering the following questions :

(a) What does tree plantation mean? 
(b) Why is tree plantation important?/ What are the   importance of planting trees?/ What does a tree do for us? 
(c) What is the best time for tree plantation?/ When should   we plant trees? 
(d) How does it maintain ecological balance? (e) Where can   we plant trees?
(e) How can we make the tree plantation programme a   success?/ What is your suggestion about the tree plantation? 
(g) What happens if there were no trees? 
(h) What is the effect of the loss of trees? 
(i) What should be done to save mankind? 
(j) How can we make the earth greener, cleaner and safer? 
(k) What part do people play in protecting trees and   increasing forests? 

Tree Plantation

Ans: Tree plantation means planting trees and plants on a large scale. The purpose of tree plantation is to save the endangered environment and to beautify our life. Tree plantation is very important because it serves many useful purposes. We get flowers, fruits, fuel and timber from trees. Trees make air fresh and improve the environment. They save us from natural calamities like drought, storms, floods etc. They increase the beauty of nature. They give us oxygen and take in carbon-dioxide and thus maintain ecological balance. Besides, trees are the liying place for birds and animals that are important to maintain ecological balance. In absence of trees the country will turn into a desert. So trees are a asset to a country. According to the environmentalists, 25% of the land of a country should be forest. But in our country 16% of the land is forest. So it is very imperative to grow more trees in our country. Of all the the seasons rainy season is the best time for tree plantation. We can plant trees around our dwelling places and in open places. Moreover, trees can be planted by the roads, rivers, canals and playing fields. Awareness should be raised and campaign should be launched to motivate people for tree plantation. Thus we can make the tree plantation programme a success.



(a) How do trees help us ? 
(b) How do they maintain ecological balance ? 
(c) what do we get from trees ? 
(d) How can we take care of them?
(e) why should we plant trees?


Ans: Trees are useful to man in three very important ways. They provide himn with wood and other products; they give him shade; and they help to prevent drought and floods. Trees bear a great impact on the climate. If we destroy trees at random, one day the country will turn into a great desert. Again there will be no rain and as a result the country will face a great crisis. Trees keep the soil strong. Trees save us from flood and many other natural calamities. Trees prevent the rise in temperature. They give us oxyzen. They prevent the rise of carbon-dioxide world wide. Thus trees maintain ecological balance. Trees give us food and shelter. They make the land fertile. We get timber from trees. This timber is used in making houses, boats, ships and furniture etc. They save the house from cyclone. They also give shade to protect us from the scorching heat of the sun. Many trees give us fruit. Trees help to cause rain. They prevent a region from becoming desert. Trees provide shelter to birds and beasts. Trees are things of beauty too. We can take care of trees by not cutting them. We can also take care of trees by planting them more and more. We should plant trees more and more for a better, happier and healthier life.                        


4.There is no denying the fact that tree plantation has become an obligation to all of us for our survival. Now, read the following questions and write a paragraph by answering them. 

(a) What do you mean by tree plantation? 
(b) What is the importance of it? 
(c) What is the best time for plantation? 

(d) What measures should we take to grow them?

Tree Plantation

Ans: Tree plantation means planting tree more and more. Trees are very essential for our existence. We can't think of our existence without trees. These are closely related with our life. They are our best friends. They help us in many ways. They are a great Sas source of food, vitamins and furniture. They go a long way to solve our economic crisis. So, trees are a valuable asset to a country. July and August are the best time for tree plantation. There are many places for planting trees. We can plant trees on the both sides of the roads and highways, sea beaches and low-lying unused lands. Tree plantation programme should be expanded to the remote corner of the country. So, that we can lead.a happy, peaceful and progressive life under the shade of green trees.


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