Letter To Your Friend Congratulating On Brilliant Success,Write a letter to your friend congratulating him on his success in the examination for class 7,8,10,
Write a Letter to your Friend Congratulating him on his Brilliant success .
22 March 2020
Dear Saon,
I received your letter yesterday. My joys knew no bound when I came to know that you secured GPA 5 in the H. S. C examination. Please accept my heartiest congratulation on your brilliant success .You are really worthy of this result. We are proud of you. My parents are also very glad to know of your success. I believe you will be able to do the same sort of results in your future examinations.
It will be a great pleasure for us if you visit us shortly. I am pretty well. With best regards and love to all.
Yours sincerely,
#Congratulationg Brilliant Success Meaning (Bangla)
উজ্জ্বল সাফল্যের অভিনন্দন
22 মার্চ 2020
প্রিয় শাওন,
আমি গতকাল তোমার চিঠি পেয়েছি। তুমি এইচ.এস. সি.পরীক্ষায় জিপিএ ৫ পেয়েছ তা জানতে পেরে আমি আনন্দিত হয়েছি।তোমার উজ্জ্বল সাফল্যের জন্য আমার আন্তরিক অভিনন্দন গ্রহণ কর। তুমি এই ফলাফলের জন্য সত্যিই যোগ্য। তোমার জন্য আমরা গর্বিত। তোমার সাফল্য জানতে পেরে আমার বাবা-মাও খুব খুশি। আমি বিশ্বাস করি তুমি ভবিষ্যতের পরীক্ষায় একই ধরণের ফলাফল করতে সক্ষম হবে।
তুমি যদি আমাদের খুব শীঘ্রই আমাদের দেখতে আসো তবে এটি আমাদের জন্য খুব আনন্দের বিষয় হবে। আমি বেশ ভাল আছি সবার সাথে শুভেচ্ছা ও ভালবাসা সহ।
তোমার বিশ্বস্ত
2.Write a letter to your Friend Congratulation him on his Brilliant Result in the JSC Examination
05 June 2020
Dear Thropodi,
Take my love.I hope that you are well by the grace of Almighty Allah. I am very glade to know that you have passed the JSC examination with A+ grade. I can not expess my felling to you in words.Thank to Allah because he has, given you a glorious victory.I congratulate you on your brilliant success.I and all of my friends and all relatives have highly praised you.My parents also pressed you.I hope that you do better in future.I wish your good luck and bright future.
Your loving Friennd
3.Suppose, you are Faysal/Hasna living in Natore Your friend Saon/Nabila lives in Narsingdi. He/She made an excellent result in the last S.S.C Examination and that result impressed you greatly.
>:Now, write a letter to your friend congratulating him/her on his/her success in the exam.
05 February 2020
Narsingdi Sadar,Narsingdi
Dear Saon,
First my hearty love to you. I know very well that now you are in an euphoric environment for causing the miracle of having GPA-5 in the last S.S.C Examination. As your nearest kins man I am no less joyous as well. With a heart full of eagerness I congratulate you on your brilliant success. I think you have graced your school, school teachers, relatives, neighbours and above all your hopeful parents. Now you have bid fair to be a great woman in future. May God keep maining path of life handicap free. Take your admission into an esteemed college. With a further congratulation I am pausing here.
With best regards to your superiors and love to the youngers.
Yours ever
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