traffic education paragraph for hsc,traffic education composition
traffic jam paragraph for jsc,traffic rules paragraph
traffic police paragraph for hsc,adolescence paragraph

Traffic Education Paragraph

Traffic Education:Traffic means the vehiicles that are on a road at a particular  time,and traffic education  means lerning different rules and regulations for handing traffic on roads,or different situations,expected or unexpected,to drive a vehicle on the roads or  highways. Some rules and regulations are maintained to facilitate traffic on the road, such as maintaining speed limits and fitness for vehicles, keeping a driving license, following traffic indicators and not signaling traffic congestion. May be seriously injured or killed in death Easy and safe movement of vehicles at traffic education to be taught the go. Traffic can play a great role in promoting education. They can develop traffic signals and make people aware of the traffic lawsy .They can train both the drivers and the traffic police about the traffic rules. But if people do not follow the traffic rules, all efforts to govern will not be fruitful.Traffic control system should be follod strictly.Population problem should be checked.

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