English is an international language. Hence it is byrs very essential for many reasons. Now write a dialogue between yourself and your friend Riad/Sumaiya about how to learn English.

how to learn English


Myself: Riad, have you thought a matter that the importance   English is increasing day by day?

Riad : Yes, you've raisen an important term. To enter into any     international aspect, knowing English is a must.

Myself : That means we have to put stress much on learning   English, haven't we?.

Riad : Of course. As English is an international language, we   can't but learn English.

Myself : But a question how we can learn English well. I've heard   regarding communicative method of learning English. Can you   explain it? 

Riad : Sure. Communictive method of learning English   comprises four language skills. They are listening, speaking,   reading and writing.

Myself : But how can we develop these skills? 

Riad : We can listen to English discussion programme, and   news in English.

Myself : Can't we speak English to one another in the class?

Riad : Of course. It's an excellent idea. We can also speak aloud   to ourselves while we are alone.

Myself : We have to learn words and their meanings too.

Riad : Right you are. At the same time we should use these   words and sentences in our practical life.

Myself: Thank you for your valuable suggestion.

Riad : Same to you.


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