A dialogue between a doctor and a Patient.

Suppose you are Sumaiya / Riad . You have been suffering from fever for a week . After going to the doctor ' s chamber and consulting with him , he has told you about exercise , balanced diet , proper rest and sleep , Now write a dialogue between you and the doctor .


A dialogue between a doctor and a Patient.


Patient : Good evening , doctor . Will you spend me some   minutes ?

Doctor : Of course , I will .
Patierit : I have been suffering from fever for a few months .

Doctor : What are the signs of your fever ? when do you feel   temperature ?

Patient : It is usually between 5 to 6 pm .

Doctor : Do you feel any shivering sensation then ?

Patient : Yes , I do .

Doctor : Do you get thirst then ?

Patient : Yes , I get . I wish I could drink very cold water .

Doctor : When does the fevef remit ?
Patient : At late hours of the night .

Doctor : Didnt you take any sort of treatment ?
Patient : I was under the treatment of a village quack it.

Doctor :  Please , show me the prescription.

Patient : Here , It is sir .
Doctor : Oh , he has prescribed you wrong medicine . Yours   is malaria but he has given you the medicine of typhoid . Let   me prescribe some medicines for you .

Patient : Thank you , sir .


Suppose you are Sumaiya / Riad . You have been suffering from fever for a week . After going to the doctor ' s chamber and consulting with him , he has told you about exercise , balanced diet , proper rest and sleep , Now write a dialogue between you and the doctor .


Sumaiya: May I come in , doctor ?

Doctor : Yes , come .
Sumaiya : Can I have a seat ?

Doctor : Of course , well , what ' s your problem ?
Sumaiya : I am anxious about my health .
Doctor : Ok , let me feel your pulse , measure temparature   and blood pressure.

Sumaiya: Please check me thoroughly.
Doctor : Ok , I am checking . No, you don' t have any   problem .
Sumaiya : I really feel sick.

Doctor : It 's all your nervousness

Sumaiya : May be .
Doctor : Yes , you 're all right . It is for your over work and   anxiety for the exam .
Sumaiya : Really !
Doctor : Yeah , Take light exercise regularly , eat balanced   diet and take proper rest and sleep . 

Sumaiya : Ok , doctor . I 'll follow your advices .
Doctor : Thank you .
Sumaiya : Thanks to you too . 

Doctor : Welcome .


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