Application to Headmaster Opening a Common Room.Application to Headmaster Opening a Reading Room.

1.Suppose there is no common room/reading room in your school. For want of a common room/reading room the students waste their leisure hours aimlessly. You are in need of a common room/reading room in your school. Now write an application to your Headmaster for opening a common room/reading room. 

2.Imagine you are Riad or Sumaiya. You study at Palash Thana Model High School,Narsingdi. There is no common room in your school. For want of a common room the students waste their leisure period. 

Application for Opening a Common Room
Application to Headmaster Opening a Common Room/Reading Room

1.Now write an application to your Headmaster for opening a common room/reading room. 

25 January 2020 
The Headmaster, 
Narsingdi  Model High School
Subject : Prayer for opening a common room/reading room. 
I, on behalf of the students of your school, beg most respectfully to state that our school is one of the biggest schools in Narsingdi. But it is a matter of sorrow that there is no common room/reading room in our school. As a result the students spend their leisure hours and off periods either by gossipping or roaming aimlessly. This often disturbs the classes. So, we keenly feel the necessity of opening a common room/reading room in the school. 
May I, therefore, pray and hope that your honour would kindly make necessary arrangement for opening a common room/reading room in our school and oblige thereby. 
Yours obediently
On behalf of the students
Narsingdi  Model High School


2.Imagine you are Riad or Sumaiya. You study at Palash Thana Model High School,Narsingdi. There is no common room in your school. For want of a common room the students waste their leisure period. 
Now write an application to the headmaster of your school for opening a common room. 


03 June 2020
The Headmaster
Palash Thana Model High School 
Subject : Request for Opening a Common Room.
We, the students of your renowned school, would like to state that there is no common room in our school. For want of common room the students waste their leisure /tiffin period. We have been facing much inconveniences for want of a common room. We can organize debating club in the common room. Moreover , we can enjoy various cultural functions occasionally in a common room with our teachers. It may be used for many purposes. 

So, we fervently hope that your honour would be kind enough to open a common room in our massive school building so that we may fulfil our recreational and cultural activities there and oblige thereby.
Yours obediently
On behalf of the students 
Palash Thana Model High School 


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